I am a cross-paradigm, performance driven, Full stack Software Developer. With a passion for learning new languages, paradigms and frameworks, I can adapt to any team. Excelling in both collaborative and independent environments, I write clean, maintainable code to ensure future organizational success.
Company: Didgigo
Time Employed: March 2017 - Present
Didgigo is a travel documentation solution for large tour operators globally. Supporting large clients such as Hello World Group, Jonview Canada, Abbey Group Ireland & UK and Tahiti Nui I took Didgigo from approximately 8000 total itineraries to over 135,00. I have managed projects and junior developers, I attended World Travel Mart London 2019 to assist with technical discussions relating to sales. As a fullstack developer I have been in charge of our Kubernetes cluster, nodejs based servers, mobile application and many other aspects of the business. The job has allowed me to understand how developers can enable potential business success and profitability.
Tripigo is the Mobile App I produced for Didgigo. A leading edge itinerary viewer, Tripigo is built on Ionic, a hybrid app built using web technologies for iOS and Android. Foreign language support, realtime group chat for tour groups, High quality imagery, curated things to do an see near destinations.
I organised, set up and maintained our Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform. with 50+ running containers and well over 99.99% uptime it enabled us to prepare for a potential 500,000 documents in 2021
The Didgigo API was produced so we could move away from using a single dedicated server, into a cloud based envorinment. The API enabled external customers to interface directly with Didgigo, aswell as all cloud based systems using the API for general activities. We also interfaced with a number of pieces of Tour Operator software, such as Tourplan and Softrip to automate the import of content (Hotel/Tour content) and production of documentation (Itineraries).
The Productivity Suite is and Angular 9 web application to introspect how imports are running. With the ability to be as transparent as possible with regards to how data is transformed from third party systems into the Didgigo data model and see which itineraries have been imported. the entire system has a consistent format so using the system is the same for all Third Party API's.
Company: Electric Memory IT (EMIT)
Contracted To: Process Systems Enterprise (PSE)
Time Employed: June 2015 - March 2017
I was part of many projects at PSE/EMIT. They challenged me and allowed me to grow as a developer under the guidance of a very good team.
Using Scala for AST and validation logic, and Antlr4 as our parser and lexer, I collaborate in a team of three to build a fast, immutable, threadsafe and storage efficient language module. I have written most of the Antlr grammars, the parsing logic and a large portion of the language model. Whilst the rest of the team worked on integration with existing code.
I led the Gradle migration project. Our build system is rather complex, we have multiple code generation steps, multiple JVM languages being used, extra post-compile tasks (obfuscation and encryption) and multiple repositories. The build was designed to be modular via Gradle plugins. I had to manage other developers such as the CI and Kernel teams. The build had to run fast and support both Windows and Linux.
Flowsheet routing is the act of ensuring the connection between nodes on a flowsheet are orthogonal. For user-generated projects this could happen on project load and could trigger up to 8 hour GUI freezes. I moved the route calculations off the event dispatch thread (Swing’s GUI thread), ensuring asynchronous execution. I also altered all routing actions so they would be undoable, parallelizable and cancellable.
Role: Salesman
Time Employed: 2014 - 2015
Role: Butchers Assistant/Checkout Operator
Time Employed: 2009 - 2013
Role: Raspberry Harvester
Time Employed: 2008
In the past I have worked extensively in the open source section of the scala ecosystem. Although in the last 2 years I have done no open source work.
I authored this library primarily because the existing scalameta/paradise library was deprecated, and scalamacros/paradise is not ide or user friendly. I managed everything from issues to design and implementation. No longer maintained as I left the Scala ecosystem.
Elysium was an exploration of what could be accomplished with Macro Annotations, I also wrote a macro to develop macros. All Elysium macros are strongly typed and became the foundation of scalagen’s API. No longer maintained as I left the Scala ecosystem.
A huge center point for Scala’s tooling which exists primarily as an AST manipulation library. I am the co-author of the scalameta-contrib module, built to simplify interactions with scalameta.
Macro library for Scala. Now deprecated in favor of scalameta/scalagen (annotation macros) and scalacenter/macros (def macros). I have written a large portion of the annotation processing logic used to ensure feature parity with scalamacros/paradise.
I am experienced with all 3 major operating systems. Linux, OSX and Windows. I am most experienced with Linux, primarily NixOS, and Ubunutu.
I use git for version control. I am competent with git and have written many programs interacting with Git repositories. I am familiar with git-flow.
I enjoy attend conferences and programming events, I would like to grow the Software Development community in Cairns and potentially start a meetup group.
Qualification: Bachelor of Information Science. Computer Science Major
Status: Compulsories complete in 2015
Left for fulltime development work before completing all electives.
Qualification: NCEA level 3
Status: Complete in 2011
Relationship: Founder and CEO Of Didgigo
Location: Cairns, Australia
Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST - UTC+10)
Email: matt.mckinley@didgigo.com.au
Relationship: Cofounder of Electric Memory IT
Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand
Timezone: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST - UTC+13)
Email: duaneg@psenterprise.com
Relationship: Cofounder of Electric Memory IT
Location: Hungary
Timezone: Central European Time (CET - UTC+1)
Email: lukeu@psenterprise.com
Relationship: Head of Software Development, Process Systems Enterprise
Location: London, England
Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT - UTC+0)
Email: andrewb@psenterprise.com
Phone: +44 20 8563 0888